1. Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? | UltimaMo0gle | Knowledge Quiz |  | 4 votes |
2. rpg fighting styles | justin | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
3. Which SSX Tricky character are you? | Rao Suichi Bakuryu Hiei Fenkkusu | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
4. What Vagrant Story Monster are you | Dragon Worshiper | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
5. Suikoden Star of Destiny Selector | Blue Star Hand | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
6. Rpg Elves, What would you be? | Juniper | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
7. What Team Hero Are You? | Moonlite Angel | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
8. Blood Red | Artemesia | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
9. Which ''The Way'' character are you? | Anthony Reed | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
10. WHICH DIABLO CLASS ARE YOU | Evan | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
11. Grandia 2 Character Selector | Shina | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
12. Which Fellowship of the Ring character are you? | Kelly~chan | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
13. Ninja skill level finder | ninja | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
14. Wich Metroid Boss are you? | Sk2k52 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
15. Tales of Symphonia | NarfmanEmpire | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
16. EW Lord Characteristics | Paulo | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
17. What species are you? | Dark Fighter | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
18. rpg race selector | Tony | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
19. What Final Fantasy 8 Character R U? | Shawna Haynes | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
20. Which Kirby FAN character are you? | kittykittykitty | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
21. Answer the Questions and I'll Tell you What Super Powers you Weald | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
22. Which Skies of Arcadia Captain/Admiral are you? | Shizuka Katsuya | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
23. Which one of my role playing characters would you be most compatable with? | Nightcandle | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
24. Which Basic RPG Stereotype do you fit? | Blizzy | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
25. What Pokemon Crystal Bishounen is Most Like You? | Usa-chan | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
26. What werewolf tribe do you best belong to? | Save-vs-DM | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
27. Which Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations Character are you? | Fallenspirit | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 4 votes |
28. Which Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All Character are you? | Fallenspirit | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 4 votes |
29. Which Phoenix Wright Character are you? | Fallenspirit | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 6 votes |
30. Liar: Uncover the Truth personality test! | Amy Banks | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
31. Planescape faction selector | Gorgo | Knowledge Quiz |  | 3 votes |
32. Which Kingdom Hearts character do you personify? | PhasicLimit | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
33. What Fantasy Race are You? | Allie | Yes/No Selector |  | 13 votes |
34. Which of our friends are you? | Jace | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
35. Which starcraft race should I be? | Armed philosopher | Yes/No Selector |  | 12 votes |
36. What RPG class best suits your personality | Bravelight | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
37. What animal are you? | Darter | Yes/No Selector |  | 14 votes |
38. Which Forgotten Realms Deity are you? | Carl | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 4 votes |
39. What Vampire: the Masquerade Clan would you be? | dave DAVE | Yes/No Selector |  | 13 votes |
40. What character class truly represents you? | BQB | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
41. Do you think you're like a Demon? | Panny Poo | Knowledge Quiz |  | 27 votes |
42. ¿Cual es tu facción de | Rafa | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
43. What Element Are You? | Joshua Chouiniere | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
44. The RPG Alignment Selector | Dasha | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
45. What Secret Of Mana Character Are You? | Moonlight Angel | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
46. Ragnarok: which 2-1 or 2-2 job class suits you? | gemfra | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
47. Which RPG fantasy class are you? | thepyromanc3r | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 6 votes |
48. What kind of werewolf are you? | jait | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
49. Morrowind Race Selector | Beretta | Knowledge Quiz |  | 4 votes |
50. What Legacy of Kain Vampire breed are you? | Blood Reaver | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
51. What Baldur's Gate Character Are You? (the original game, not BGII) | sammisammichan | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
52. Which Role-Playing Relationship Do You Have? | August Hamai | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
53. Which Type of Magic is Yours? | Nytyngayl | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
54. Which Abyss Dimension Character Are You Like? | Scorpio Angel | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
55. Pikmin Color | Brenden D. | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
56. Dungeons & Dragons | Dawid | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
57. Which Master rpg female angel are you? | Isuku | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
58. Which RPG class are you? | EnjoiBoi | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
59. What Magical Elements Are You? | Tobias Geminasu | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
60. What is your role-playing stereotype? | Shadow Rose | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
61. Warriors:: Into the wild - which clan are you in? | Toxic and Fitch | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 20 votes |
62. What Kind Of RPG Warrior Are You? | Byrd | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
63. Which Skyrim race are you? | Cyrodiilic Brandy | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 7 votes |
64. Your Fantasy Self | Kimberly S. | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
65. Xenosaga Episode III Selector | KOS-MOH 2.0 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
66. what internet rpg game should u play | maty445 | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
67. What Ragnarok online job should you be? | me and myself | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
68. What type of class would you be in the Dungeon and Dragons realm? | Cyber Ninja | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
69. Are you a Hentai freek? | NeoAndie | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
70. What armour | Darter | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
71. Warcraft 3 Hero Selector | Ryoga | Knowledge Quiz |  | 2 votes |
72. What faerie are you? | greenwolf105 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
73. Malkavian Madness Determinator | Andy Parker | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
74. The Magic: The Gathering What Ravnica Guild Do You Belong To? | Ixidor, The SKISHY | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
75. Which W:tA Garou Tribe Do You Belong In? | Kennah | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
76. RPG Love Match Selector | Brie~Brie | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
77. ::RPG:: Character Selector | Teriy-chan | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
78. What Alignment Are You? | BlackMageAnolis | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
79. Azure Dreams Character | Zelly D | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
80. Morrowind Races Selector | Rando the Theif | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
81. The Kingdom Hearts Selector | Chibi_Tidus25 | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
82. Ragnaquest Personality Test | espionstar | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
83. Character Quality Test! | antims | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
84. What Spyro character are you most like? | Paul | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
85. The Sight Selector | Raiku | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
86. Sonic Selector | Terra Dragon | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
87. Which DL race are you? | Nytyngayl Daystar | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
88. Race | Nemo | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
89. Could you be a true chud? | kAthlE3N ChUd | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |